sethscape 525 is now online, i know i said it will take a couple weeks
ro so, but ive figured out how to port foward! so now i can run server 24/7! updates daily so come on today i will provide the client... heres all the info you need to log in sethscape 525.
you go!(p.s: the client automatically connects you to, so you dont need to change anything, just
simply run the client provided and let it load, then log into
sethscape, (if it shall not work, restart client, or i must of closed
and reopened run... so come on now! SethScape is back to life! THANKS
TO ME: except
Server Includes: daily updates, all players can do ::master ::pickup, trading and others... FIRST
PLAYER GETS : Admin , 2nd PLAYER: Admin , 3rd PLAYER: Mod , 4th PLAYER:
Mod and the 5th person: gets a d plate (you cant spawn them using
::pickup) so you gotta pk them, but the 5th person will get full d set.
JOIN NOW 24/7 - theres more to this server than you think! NO LAG