new mod island for mods only! talk with me Seth for information on how to get to mod island if your a mod thank you! please note that i will be adding npcs and a new mini quest at and only for mod/ mod island thank you and goodbye!
its here guys the new quest called The Hunt this quest is kinda like the christmas one but more funner and harder! lots of stuff added to the quest each day! just type ::thehunt please note that this quest will be removed january 10th as will the christmas quest will be removed january 1st 2009. the reward will be great.
you now loose your items when you die, but for admins you dont, and that means pking works now just type ::wildy to get there and fight for armour and more!
the bartender at varrock blue inn now hands out free beer go now and get a free beer and drink it! see how youll feel ! An the Archaeologist in varrock hands out free super strength pots!